How to organize a destination wedding in Poland?

Destination Wedding in Poland

Let’s focus on the following scenario: you have already met your other half, and things are getting more and more serious. Serious enough to make your thoughts wander around the idea of wedding. Vague as it has been so far, you have probably been mulling over this idea for quite some time, haven’t you? We bet you have! Which is why we hereby declare that the time has come to proceed to the next stage: the stage of exploration and clarification of concepts which, in all likelihood, are soon going to emerge abundantly.

The process of organizing a wedding day is complex and multi-faceted. There are a great deal of details that need your undivided attention (not to mention time and patience) if you want to make sure everything goes as planned. This is why hiring a professional wedding planner — both keen and able to take care of the whole organizational mayhem — seems to be a more than reasonable step.

But first things first. At the very beginning of the entire endeavour, you have to know exactly WHERE you and your beloved one want to exchange vows and start a new chapter in your now shared lives. Why not Poland, then? Let’s have a closer look at the beautiful country and what it has to offer as a wedding destination.

Grzymała Weddings & Events

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Destination weddings in Poland — why to choose this country?

If you are looking for a truly unique combination of rustic charm and stylish modernity strewn with elegant references to the grandeur of the past epochs, well, here you are. This is Poland precisely. Breathtaking mountainous landscapes juxtaposed with sandy beaches licked by waves of the majestic Baltic Sea, wide areas of green evenness marked with spots of dense forests and mesmerizing blue lakes, rivers meandering picturesquely trough hills and plateaux, cities, such as Warsaw or Krakow, renowned for their historic value… Sounds compelling? Great. Now you know what’s there, waiting to be chosen as your perfect wedding location.

a young couple posing in vast woods

The best wedding venue

When it comes to picking a suitable venue for your wedding reception, Poland stands for an impressive range of options, including the best wedding hotels situated in wonderful historic sites, fine restaurants, impressive wedding halls in city centres or cosy chalets overlooking mountain tops. To name just a few ideas that spontaneously popped in our mind. A reception party is one of those magical events that definitely call for stunning settings: once your dream-come-true destination wedding location is provided, the day is more likely to become an even more precious and cherished memory. So, whether it is a historic property uniquely located in some remarkable little haven, or a modern restaurant in the middle of a bustling city, in Poland you are sure to find your perfect place. If you are not sure about your own preferences in this respect, sharing your doubts with a wedding planner is likely to help you come up with some inspirational ideas.

a newly-wed couple on the dance floor

Exceptional traditions and customs

Certain destinations are well-known for their intriguing traditions that accompany the conduct of solemn ceremonies. Poland is undoubtedly one of them. Many couples decide to incorporate Polish wedding customs into their demanding itinerary, either to please noble representatives of older generations (reminiscent of all those “once-upon-the-time” type of situations) or out of respect for significant values typical of their culture. Some examples of such traditions and customs include blessing the couple with holy water and crucifix, taking vows in front of a priest in a church (in case of Catholic couples), greeting newlyweds with a huge loaf of bread, salt and two vodka shots, or serving a wide variety of traditional dishes and appetizers, such as chicken or beef broth (usually a big hit among soup lovers), famous Polish dumplings (known worldwide as “pierogi”), sour hunter’s stew (“bigos”), Polish sausage, cabbage rolls or numerous kinds of home-made cold meats.

Let me help you plan the wedding of your dreams

Organizing weddings is my true passion. This is why I decided to found Grzymała Weddings & Events agency and devote my full attention to planning magical celebrations. 

I always do my best to meet my clients’ expectations, take care of all the nuances of this unique event, and turn the big day into the most memorable moment in their lives. This includes assisting foreigners in arranging their destination weddings in Poland.

Being able to see how happy my clients are is the best reward for my efforts. If you need my help, I’ll be more than glad to offer you my guidance and support.

Justyna Grzymała Wedding Planner

Organizing a destination wedding in Poland — what to consider?

The process of planning your destination wedding requires that you also think about more formal aspects of the whole procedure. These are numerous, and not to be overlooked by any means. We’ve already pointed out the validity of turning to a specialist who knows exactly what to do and how to do it in order to ensure your wedding reception is as flawless as possible. What aspects can a wedding planner help you with?

Legal formalities

destination weddings require taking care of legal issues

Foreigners that plan to get married in Poland (or if one person comes from a different country) have to gather necessary documentation and file it in a local registry office. They need to carefully check what documents are required so that they won’t experience any difficulties or hindrances. This is particularly important in case the couple’s/person’s country of origin lies outside the European Union — such a situation usually results in a greater number of formalities that have to be attended to (especially if the process of legalizing the person’s residence is being carried out simultaneously).

Since the vast majority of formal procedures are complex by their very nature, hiring a wedding planner stands out as the most reasonable strategy: there is no other person who can lift the burden of responsibility and stress from you than a professional whose job involves being well-informed about the tiniest details concerning the wedding industry.

Faith-related procedures

a wedding ceremony in a church

The term “getting married” for people who embrace religion in their lives means exchanging vows in a church, standing at the altar in front of a representative of the clergy, whom they perceive as a spiritual leader. Carrying out a religious procedure means contacting the chosen priest, making sure there are objections or impediments to the marriage, and confirming that suitable documents can be provided. If one of the partners is an atheist or of a different religion than the other, it will be impossible to get married without being granted the necessary permission.

Language issues

Apart from legal matters and potential problems that might be the consequence of procedural discrepancies between countries, you also have to take language issues into account. It basically means using the service of a translator, especially if neither of your witnesses speaks a given foreign language. A translator is also of great assistance during a wedding reception which otherwise could easily become the scene of misunderstandings resulting from the language barrier.

A wedding planner can take care of this aspect, also ensuring that the service at the wedding reception (e.g. waiters and waitresses) can effectively communicate in the foreign language.

Pleasing the guests

Most probably, your guests are going to be an indispensable component of your wedding. The organizational process should then include making arrangements that are supposed to cater for the needs of people important to you. These encompass such aspects as offering discounted accommodations, making sure cultural differences (e.g., various visions of celebration after the wedding ceremony) will not generate confusion or give rise to any dissatisfaction, and providing your guests with the opportunity to explore the beauty of nearby locations.

We agree it might sound slightly overwhelming. However, you can always rely on the experience and knowledge of a wedding planner who can take care of all those details and thus contribute to the final success of the wedding endeavour.

wedding guests talking and drinking champagne in Poland

Your perfect destination wedding in Poland within reach!

How about organizing your wedding in Poland then? Have we encouraged you to consider this option as an attractive alternative to other destinations? We hope you will give this idea some serious thought. Poland is definitely worth it! The country offers the impressive multitude of possibilities regarding the choice of venues and locations which are likely to tempt you with their unique beauty.

If you are concerned that you may not handle the pressure and the plethora of details connected with the organizational aspects, don’t worry and contact a professional wedding planner. With the help of such a specialist, nothing will be left unattended so that you can focus solely on enjoying this memorable day.

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